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Jack The Red is presented at Cartoon Forum


With a record atten­dance of 1,064 par­tic­i­pants from 40 coun­tries, Car­toon Forum’s last edi­tion con­firmed the cur­rent momen­tum of Euro­pean ani­ma­tion. The 80 ani­mat­ed series from 19 coun­tries includ­ed in the line-up offer a deep reflec­tion on the times we live in, address­ing cen­tral issues and the changes our soci­ety is going through. After two spe­cial edi­tions due to the health cri­sis, Car­toon Forum has solid­i­fied its place as a lead­ing pitch­ing event for ani­ma­tion series, pre­sent­ed by both well-known pro­duc­tion com­pa­nies and new­com­ers in the industry.

Jack the Red, our new IP that tells the story of Jack's adventures in Cosmopolis, was presented next to other thirty projects that are adaptations from comic books and books.

Check the Cartoon Forum 2022 complete report here.

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